Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The temperature in my office is getting a bit higher this few days, well not literally. The staff apraisal came out yesterday, of course i was not included. The females got grade C while the guys except jonathan and anthony got B. According to Angela, almost everyone got B the year before Jimmy Kong came on board. Apparently when told to grade themselves on scale 1 to 5 with 1 lowest, he told them not to put 1 or 5. So Richard the driver put 4. Jimmy spoke to him privately outside the office and Richard came back sulking. As for the females, Jimmy's logic was 'u never move stores, just sit in office only mah, why should get grade B?'. Well everyone have their own role, u can't expect females to move the boxes, they are quite heavy. Angela and sharon double up by doing extra work in sales and collection. Well whatever, i am a temp staff and shouldn't give a damn about these politics. I am still bothered by whether i should get ericsson 750i.

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