Sunday, August 07, 2005

Got trashed 6-2 today to an average team. However I felt I put in a good performance. A couple of goals conceded were offside and mixed up between Tiong and Kua. Been playing rougher but still need to work on my judgement in positioning for headers. Losing is kinda depressing, it gets in your head once in a while. I remember losing my first taekwondo bout and feeling really shite about it for a month. When Manchester United were knocked out of the champions league I was gutted and felt low for a week.
Went for my hall bash at rav located at boat quay. Just as I was telling Alvin that boat quay was an Ah beng place and a favourite hangout for the 'men', I spotted Wu xiao Lang and my driver Tan Yongzhi. The bash turned out to be disappointing as we did not recognise anyone. Left early and met up with Junxian who was also fed up with his business bash. Can't wait for the epl to start which will keep me home on saturdays.

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