Friday, August 05, 2005

So after a week of being apprehensive of my overseas friends, I have decided to warm up to them. They are nice people and pretty young too. When I was asked about my age and I replied 21, there was a 5sec pause with my Indonesian friend giving me a stunned expression showing that 'you mean you are so old? Did you fail your exams? ' kinda of look. Immediately my other friend from India chipped in 'how come you are 21 yrs old, isn't that a bit too old?' Well thank you peiying for helping me to enlighten them. Guess I am officially together with the other singaporean males the 'oldies' in the class. Not to worry, I shall take it upon my task to show our overseas friends how to live the singaporean way of life.
Saw Jamie teo at heeren in the afternoon. She looks much prettier in person. After walking around, I saw her again this time with Desmond Koh. Wonder if they are an item. If in future they really are, remember that you heard from it here first.

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