Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Today was mentoring day and for the first time my tutorial class opened up and we finally got to talk to our vietnamese, Indonesian, Indian and China counterparts, other than that had dinner with alvin and leader( jeremy lee) at hall 14 which is so much better than my hall where house flies are literally everywhere. Met up my hall sports representative and tomorrow there will be a street soccer game at NIE. Hope to make an impression and try to secure my way into the hall team. Feeling a bit sad as I was told there are no throwing events in track and field.
Had a wonderful nap in the afternoon and even dreamt of a steamy sex scene where a female was pulling err well can't publish for security reasons. The climax part of the dream was spoilt when my handphone received a message from Gerard. Fuck, woke up after that and felt devastated. Damn you Gerard.

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