Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So my only form of entertainment now is my laptop, keeping me company 24hr 7. My routine now is sleep at 2am, wake up at 730am for tutorials. Lunch at 1230 and sleep at 230 till 430. 9pm is TV time. Pretty boring I would say. Yea thanks to Alvin for not bringing in a frindge hence no beer and chilled vodka. Haven't really spoken much in my tutorial class. Only made friends with a Singaporean and an Indian scholar so far. First time I saw the scholar I thought he was screwed. Coming to tutorials without attempting it and having the cheek to ask the prof if we were required to do before hand. Sure suicide u may say but what took me 2 hrs to figure out solutions took 5min for that mama. A hard slap to my face when he even asked me for my hp no citing that if he wasn't sure about tutorials he would call me. Yea sure I think I need to contact him instead.
Ntu is pretty small. Everyday every corner I will somehow run into Phil Phua, Guan Cheng, Ernest and Rongxing. I even bumped into my sispec buddy Ivan, of course with a cigarette in his hand. His theory; smoking keeps you hard working. Gotta buy more berms this sat. My official attire is shirt berms and slippers now. Wonder why I brought jeans and shoes in the first place. I miss my home bed though.

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