Saturday, September 17, 2005

"Not many people gets a second chance"

If there is a movie to watch this year, it is cinderalla man. Yea, take it from me, it is not just another boxing show, it is THE boxing show after Rocky and Raging bull. Watching Russell Crowe's act is akin to watching Gladiator again. The plot is as usual, guy is a famous boxer, loses his touch, gets a second chance, fights back, gets looked down by cocky opponent, endures heavy blows in the first few rounds, fights back and wins the bout. Well it is like a fairy tale story but the show was quite emotional and inspirational and even the gal seated on my right was squeezing her hands when Russell Crowe got punched and cheering when he landed blows.

Looks like I gotta order the dvd and watch it again. However I like watching boxing so I might be biased but give it a shot if you have time.

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