Sunday, September 18, 2005

Today's game, we were pitted against a company team which even had a negro who looked like Agu casmir and had the build of Michael Essien. I played Defensive midfield in the first half. Was rather lost in positioning as I have been playing centre back for almost a year. Had two scoring opportunities, one which i volleyed with my left leg but went wide and another from Apple's floating freekick, which the defence tried to play offside but which I ran onside. Challenged the keeper one on one for the high ball which I won but sadly instead of heading it, the ball hit my shoulder and spun wide. It was like sasi kumar scoring for singapore in the tiger cup final in 1998 with his 'shoulder of god' goal. Even then I thought that would be my first goal for Chong's team. Of course Apple gave out his usual 'jit chiam gor chiam' worth of wisdom. But I shall take the blame for not putting the team in the lead. Sorry guys.

Second half was a different story. I played right back and was caught out a couple of times with positioning. Thankfully Wu played superbly to prevent us from losing by a big margin. I have to say playing with Tiong as the last man is rather nerve wrecking. He likes to shout out 'defence push up' and when the ball is played through you think to yourself ah sure offside but as you turn around, you will realise to your horror that he is still behind and there is no offside. Upon asking why he was still down, he gave some other excuse. Furthermore he always squabbles with Raymond, so I would say our team is kinda like Newcastle now. Asked Shyam about playing full backs and with his advice, I should improve more the next time I play right back.

I feel like a professional footballer now, sat and sun games, weekday hall games. Its like playing almost every two days. I feel my knee actually, wouldn't want to end up like Alvin. Till then, gotta study for my chemistry test.

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