Wednesday, September 21, 2005

So my only companions now are my cuppa of coffee, my laptop and my pillow. Talking to my roomie, well you can hear the echo off the walls. Fella is absorbed into chatting with his darling on msn that I seldom get a reply.

Did some pondering. A couple of my secondary school gals have gotten tattoos on their back or stomachs. My ex-colleague did warn me about the consequences though but I am really tempted to get one on my left forearm and one on my right shoulder. Of course living in pragmatic Singapore, my parents and relatives equate having tattoos to gangsterism. Well I see their point but in other countries say New Zealand, getting a tribal tattoo is respecting their roots. Wished employers in Singapore could see tattoos in a different light.

I think many people still have stereotype thinkings of chinese ah bengs with tattoos all over their bodies. But having a tattoo doesn't mean a person is bad. I have a few friends who tattoo because it is 'in'. A few murderers, rapist, sickos ain't got any tattoos but nevertheless commit can't believe it type of crimes. So what gives? Yea guess we can blame it on life is always unfair.

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