Thursday, October 13, 2005

Did my effective communication presentation today. Started off a bit nervous because I was constantly looking back at the slides to read the words. Yea thats what happens when you don't prepare.Last min then prepared my lines. But everything went smoothly and many felt that my group was the best. Daryl, a very 'extra' guy in my class wore a long sleeve shirt hoping to score some points, yea but he match it with jeans and best, sports shoes. Me and kannan couldn't care less and wore normal polo t shirts. In the end Daryl stuttered, shook from left to right and sounded like he was going to cry.

Went on for my physics tutorial class. Was sitted early with Kannan toking cock as usual until a guy walked in. He looked like a cock and gave me the jiao bin, 'hey this is physics class right'. He proceeded on to ask me if I felt army more xiong or jc more xiong. Like whats up with that question dude. Told me he was from AJC and a clerk in the army. Said the warrant officers there were not the ones that bullied him but rather his fellow clerks. All this while he was talking to us while we did not tok to him or bother to listen. He seemed rather happy talking to the walls. Its freaking strange how this pal landed up here, hey planet mars is far away from here dude.

Chatted with my china friend Yaying. Anyway its her 20th birthday tommorrow. She is quite a nice gal, from xiamen, a hokkien and also shares the same surname as me. LIM. Hahahaha. But the more we chatted, the more she missed home and i decided not to talk too much about china. Damn, exams are getting near.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow parry new scdanal izit?? yaying... haha own goal liao... u 4get,i'm WATCHING YR BACK!!!!