Sunday, October 16, 2005

The weather recently is quite to my liking, because of the rain. Its so cooling and soothing, just the perfect condition for sleeping. Makes me sing the garbage song 'only happy when it rains'.

Been studying for the past two days which led to my dad asking me why I am studying so hard. He thought university life was suppose to be slack. Hhmm I thought so too.

Happy 21st birthday Toh. Guess your party last night was a mini gathering of the 42 people. Met up with some good friends and fuckers, no wait just one fucker. Ok but I shall refrain from being mean again, hey I am reformed remember, all understanding and forgiving.

My mom gets to go Taiwan at the end of the year via company sponsor. I am so jealous. I LOVE travelling! I really wish to tour Europe and experience the culture there. Bet my sister is enjoying life in Paris now. Maybe during my third year attachment I should op for a european country. As James enlightened me, he explained why gazzali(some clown in my hall) has a beer belly. Apparantly he went to Germany for his attachment. And what do you do IN Germany? You do what the Germans do of course, that is take part in the october beer fest and slam beer with the buddy next to you. Won't that be lovely?

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