Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sad. Simply just sad. I flunk my driving test today with 38pts. Strike kerb, insufficient acceleration, causing other vehicles to slow down. Darn it. I gotta say that the tester was quite nice though, telling me my mistakes and how to correct them. The vehicles on the road were all giving way to me, yea my instructor even joked that their slowing down for me cost me the points. Speaking of which, that old fart was particularly nice today, paid for my retest, told me no hurry to pay him back, sheltered me from the centre to his car with his umbrella. So touched, ok dun wanna sound too cheesy.

The rain sums up my day. The light drizzling really sets the tone for my mood. Darn it. I probably spent about 1500bucks already. The hole in my pocket is just gonna burn deeper. Told my dad and he laughed at me, told me that my retest during the chinese new year will probably be easier with lesser cars on the road. Kannan told me not to worry and study hard, Alvin told me try again next time round. Thanks dudes.

I guess I can only carry on from here. Lift my head up, pull my socks and walk on. Follow my favourite team's example, Manchester United, come out from a defeat and battle on harder.

But still.....aarrhh I want my mommy........hee. Just kidding, hey need to chill out right.

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