Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My legs are again officially numb from today's rugby training, really hate those lunges. We were just at the right time at SRC to celebrate the men's basketball team win hall 3 by one point, some respite at least considering the female team lost 72 nil yesterday, don't ask me how that is possible.

I was so thrilled that Danni won the million dollars instead of stephanie. How could everybody not vote stephanie out in the earlier rounds, she already had her chance last season, she is a threat in immunity challenges, she always gets chosen to accompany the winner on rewards, she practically pulls the string in the alliance. Danni on the contrary is such a clean and sexy gal, all the more deserving. My personal favourite though was Judd.

Fuck, as I am writing this, my father has just returned back and informed me that my bicycle outside has been stolen. I know its a cheap and lousy bike, but surely that doesn't warrant others to steal, c'mon where is the integrity in the world nowadays. I have my reservations as to who might steal it but I shall refrain from writing who, lest people accuse me of being racist.


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