Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The past two days have been moody and solemn for me upon receiving news that my section M203 guuner died in an accident on christmas day.

The first things that comes to mind is the optimistic nature of Fabian, ever confident and curious in many various things, like how the bronco operated, how the GPMG functioned. He was of great help in mounting camouflage net, mounting side skirts and signal sets. He was intelligent, giving me his motorcycle spray to wipe away grease from the bronco. At my shackest moment in climbing mount biang, he offered to lessen my load by carrying the mg rounds.

Its sad to think that everyone gathered under this circumstance instead of meeting up to do reservist in camp training. Its hard to accept that someone I know is actually lying in that coffin, the gut really hurts when reality sinks. I hope that no one else has to suffer again.

Thanks for being of great help and for the everlasting memories, cause thats how I will remember you. Rest in peace.

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