Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tomorrow was supposed to be the day where I was gonna meet up with my primary school frenz for lunch. Apparantly I was tasked to organise and god knows what went through my mind at that time, I blatantly said ok. Initial response was good until sms kept coming, ooh I got appointment with my fren, ooh my braces hurt, sorry dude. So damn it I don't give a fuck too, rather have outing with my warsteiner beer.

Tv is boring and I am a bit sick of re-watching my dvds. The afternoon sleep was spoilt by the loud music from a malay wedding and I can't decide which day to book my ippt. I personally feel that Singapore needs more controversies to spice up the newspaper, something like director of MOE caught with pants down with secretary in pantry room, principle of ACJC caught sleeping with 2 JC one girls, chief of army caught documanting SAF funds, something like that.

My great grand-father should have stayed in Taiwan instead of coming here.

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