Saturday, April 29, 2006

Yesterday marked the end of my examinations but some how or rather the celebration mood wasn't there. But after a few jugs of beer and jack daniels at Brewerkz, the mood naturally came. It was Phil's younger brother birthday and hell did we make him drink. Afterwhich it had to be celebration at none other than MOS. It felt good to rap again to the tune of 50cent and hip hop music. But the mood was partially dented when a drunkard tried to pick a fight with me. Nothing much happened as Phil and the bouncher immediately step in to intervene. After shaking hands and buying each other drinks, we forgot about the incident and made frenz. How ironic.

With Phil partially seh driving and his galfriend totally drunk on my left, I was worried about either an accident or his galfriend vomitting on me. Next week is gonna be worst when I have 3 more drinking sessions. I hope my liver can survive.

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