Tuesday, April 25, 2006

If I had my last 50cent coin in my bank account, I would certainly use it to bet on Chee Soon Juan getting sued at every General Election. There comes a certain point of time in your life when you know that certain things in the world are not worth fighting for. True, heroes fight and die for their cause and get remembered by the masses for their fighting spirit. But idiotic heroes get their backsides burnt and scalded for their stupidity.

I think the reason that opposition parties get a bad name is due to Mr Chee running his stupid mouth off. I can just picture opposition parties reading the papers and seeing reports of Dr Chee and say "cheeb**, must be him and his c***B** mouth again", here we go go oohh ohhh ohh hey here we go oh oh oh oh o hey day and night while we sleeping Dr Chee and his Ch**B** mouth again.

Hope nobody reports this to the papers.

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