Sunday, May 28, 2006

Out of boredom, I registered myself at and uploaded my pictures to see which celebrity I resembled most. Ok the results aren't encouraging, my first picture that I uploaded which was about three months after ORD showed that I had 62% resemblence to Stephen Chow, 60% to both Silvio Berloscuni and Pavarotti. My second picture taken at my cousin's wedding a few months back returned better. I had 63% link to Enrique Iglesias and jacky Cheung. My third picture made me flipped over my chair. I was 63% linked to Hu jingtao but thankfully 56% to Leon Lai. So I decided to post the latest picture taken about a month back, I had 72% resemblence to Leslie Cheung, 66% to Sammo Hung and 63% to Kim Jong II, damn the last two results has really made me depressed! After randomly choosing other photos, I realised most of them revealed that I resembled either Hu Jingtao or Stephen Chow. So I suppose my hopes of resembling Colin Farrell or Louis Khoo are kinda far fetched.

Thats all folks.

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