Thursday, June 29, 2006

Watching prison break has enhanced my general knowledge. For example I learnt that one can short circuit a fuse by connecting a rat's tail to a circuit. For the past few days, been cranking myself up watching Austin Powers( never fail to make me laugh) especially Dr Evil and Mini me.

Did some catching up on reading, indulging in Holy Blood Holy grail now, book that supposingly inspired Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. Well the research is quite interesting especially with the history facts, which makes me even more convinced that certain parts of history has definitely been doctored to make us believe in the greater good which obviously does not convice me much. Still a stauch atheist me.

Life is so unpredictable. though death is a taboo topic, I have decided that since one's life is so fragile and short, I am gonna pamper myself like buying clothes, bags, accessories or eating good food. Might as well taste good food before dying right. Drinking the best beer and smoking quality cigerettes. Now that is the way to savour before dying. Cheers to life.

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