Sunday, July 02, 2006

Superman returns is alright but I felt that there should be more fighting scenes. If I had my way, I would have changed a bit of the script. For example say the part where our hero lies in hospital on the bed and returning back to life only when he gets his kiss from Lois Lane, for me I would change it to hospital staff resurrecting him back with a 'darth vader' suit. When superman flies to find his son, the magical moment would be 'jason(deep breathing), I have something to tell you, pause(deep breathing), I am your father(deep breathing)'. Now that would be the iceing on the cake. Or how about Tea Leabing making a cameo appearance in the press holdings, 'witness the biggest cover up in human history'. Superman has a bloodline dudes and his son is the holy grail. That will spark off another da vinci code frenzy.

So England are out from the world cup and without them and Czech Republic, I suppose the world cup loses meaning for me. I feel gutted for Rooney, John Terry and Rio Ferdinand, they don't deserve to leave the tournament this way.

Does anyone has the movie 12 monkeys dvd to lend me?

Till then folks, remember, love your parents, eat ya vitamins and kopi out.

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