Saturday, July 22, 2006

A recount of celebrities I have come acrossed during the holidays. Two months ago, Michialle Chia, Henry Thia, Quan Yifeng. A month ago, Carole Lin, in Hong Kong two lesser known actors, last week Andrew Seow, last night Jade Seah, Miss Singapore 06 runner up. She was playing cards with her friends at Breko Cafe. Her boobies seem bigger than on tele though.

Anyway the meet up with Phil and Junxian was more on catching up with each other and finding out what each other have been doing. Also found out a dark secret about someone in my hall. Was kinda of tempted to go on the genting trip but afraid that I might lose a fortune there. Next week should be fun, prob catch lady in the water, check out eski bar at holland v.

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