Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In loving memory of my cousin : Selena Low

It has been an emotionally wrecking week for me with today being the worst day of it. Standing next to the coffin with everyone saying their last prayers for my cousin was a painstaking event to experience till the part when the top part of the coffin showing her face was covered. That was the last time anyone of us would have gotten to see her face again.

Proceeding to the viewing hall to see the coffin being slowly transported before it gets cremated is a heart-breaking process. It makes myself feel powerless standing behind the glass door and watch someone of my kin being 'sent off' in this manner. My mom and aunt took it all rather badly. It is a very sad and painful event to experience, much worst for my uncle and cousin and the scene keeps replaying in my head whenever my mind idles. Hopefully as time passes I should be able to get over it soon.

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