Saturday, October 14, 2006

Once again I got my wish to play as many roles as possible today, filling in at centre back, then left back, then centre back again then right back. It can get real fun but confusing at the same time. For the first time also, I finally got praise from Remy for playing well. My heart goes out to Adil and Hazid for playing today even though they were fasting. I could see that they were really shack but still hung on for the 3-2 win.

My dad also revealed to me in the car that Yahya Mahdon spoke to him after the game thinking my dad was a player or manager and said that our team was quite good. Its a great boost for morale hearing it from an ex-national team player. Feeling kinda of giddy, I think its the haze. Back to the Man utd game now.

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