Thursday, November 02, 2006

Studying at Lee Wee Nam library has so far been fruitful. The air con is just alright and the environment is very conducive to study. Also not much choice la, can't be back at my room at certain timings. Have to be understanding towards my roomie. Hehehe. Kangli is one hell of a tiger I tell you folks.

Exam period is always a time where fitness level drops and fat level increases. It doesn't help very much when the only food available at 11pm plus is Macdonalds. Speaking of macdonalds,when I was a young boy, I fell in love with macdonalds at first sight. My fav burger was the cheeseburger. There came a time when i would only desire to eat burgers. My mother in a desperate attempt to change that fake me a story( my mom told me many lies last time). She claimed that burgers made all my elder cousins contract diabetes and told me I would suffer the same fate if I continued. But stubborn as I was, I couldn't. Once at dinner time at Hougang South Interchange hawker centre, I whined and whined about eating my cheeseburger and refused to eat the hawker food. My mother gave up and passed some money to my sister and told her to get my cheeseburger. That was where my father straightened me up. He gave me one tight slap and told me 'no more macdonalds for you'.

Fast forward to now, I can eat macdonalds anytime I want. Hahaha.

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