Monday, November 13, 2006

With my first exam paper starting in two days, its doesn't get any better with mself falling sick today. Suffering from a minor cold and bad sore throat infected by my father and mother over the weekend. I hope the gallons of water I have drunk today cure me asap. With the exams looming, I realised that I am sleeping more and more. Perhaps that is how my body copes with stress. Different people have different methods I guess, like Kangli for eg, he relieves stress by downloading Japanese AV porn, so if anyone wants a sneak preview u can ask him.

Juz gotten a call from Captain Helmi, the team is back again but sadly I won't be able to play this weekend but at least there will be something to look forward to after exams. Furthermore, my dramas and movies are waiting in line in my laptop for me to view so dec will be a month to cherish.

Thats all folks, back to studying again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

J I A N M I N G!!!