Saturday, April 07, 2007

A few hours ago I caught the repeat of champions league highlights. There was of course the ugly footage of Manchester United fans being assaulted by the Italian police. Naive people will easily say that it is typical of British fans to behave in unruly behaviour and therefore deserve it. But upon looking at the replay, it seemed that while both sides of fans were taunting each other, only the English fans got the beatings. Women and children were not spared and an eye witness said that a disabled man was beaten. Even when the United fans were on the ground and not being a threat, the Italian police continued to whack them. A female fan filming the scene had her camera confiscated. Thankfully sky sports managed to film the scenes down.

So as usual, both sides have pointed the finger at each other. As for myself, I have this to say about the Italians. Italian people are by far the most racist and fucked up human beings. For the ignorant, black players in the Italian Serie A are often verbally abused by opposition players and fans. Monkey taunts and gestures are often belted out at them. At the 2002 world cup, when Ang Jhun Hwang's header knocked Italy out, Perugia immediately sacked the player in the same week. In Europe, most developed nations have integrated black players in their national squad. As for Italy, throughout history till now, there has not been a single black player in the squad. One wonders how many Negros have Italian citizenship's.

Sure, Italians may be proud of their heritage and national identity, but in a country where crime, racism, mafia and corruption is so prevalent, it makes me doubt whether Roman Catholicism is really the national religion. Italy is predominantly a catholic country, the Vatican headquarters is located in Turin, people regularly go to church on sundays to pray and seek forgiveness but somehow come mondays to saturdays, it seems that they are allowed to switch off and do whatever shit they want.

I hope justice prevails, I hope Manchester United will beat Roma next wednesday and should Roma fans get injured in a riot, well as Catholics themselves, may they forgive the Man United fans.

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