Friday, April 06, 2007

In a few decades, what is now happening to the polar bears will very soon happen to us. Polar bears today are facing extinction because of global warming, where high temperatures are causing ice-bergs to melt which means that polar bears will have nothing to float on. I feel sorry for animals. They haven't done really anything wrong to us yet we have fuck up their lives so badly. The feeling is akin to someone accusing you of committing something you didn't even do at all. You were not involved yet somehow involuntarily dragged into the situation. So with due respect to animals, I really feel sorry for them for the shit we have given them.

It is not as if global warming isn't a known fact, in fact it has been publicised in the newspaper regularly. Yet politicians choose to settle other layman issues first. I don't think the current situation will ever change and by the time people should start to panic, it will be too late by then.

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