Sunday, May 13, 2007

I will be perfectly honest to say that today I played poorly by my standards. Bollocks as the British would say. I haven't reached the same standard since playing for Helmi, been playing too much 'relac' football ever since then. Worst of all, my niggling hamstring problem has resurfaced again.

Been watching Championship division one football on tele, I think WBA will be promoted looking at their quality, feel tempted to bet again. Also managed to borrow the autobiography of Ashley Cole from orchard library, interesting to read his opinion of Van Nisterooyl, habits of Rio Ferdinand and Thierry Henry and his version of the tapping up incident. I enjoy reading soccer players biographies because it offers a deeper insight of what acutally goes on behind the scenes in the dressing room and training ground. Ashley Cole offered some clues as to who threw the pizza on Alex Ferguson in the famous Battle Of Buffet at old trafford when we ended their 49 unbeated run. He was gracious not to mention the name but said that it wasn't an Englishman or French so that should narrow it down.

Tmr will be the first day of work. Right now I have the sudden craving to eat tau huey. Oh ya and I found out that the army has called me up again, making it three time I have to go back this holidays, they do really know how to waste tax payers money. Well fuck it for now.

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