Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I am pissed off right now because I've just received another msg telling me that I have been called up again on the 27th july at Pasir Ris camp, which means I have to report for reservist twice this holidays on top of my one week ICT in early june. Army damn free, got nothing better to do must call me up to waste my time. Fuck!

Now I have a dilemma, last sun I agreed to play for wengfai team this sun. Then later on I got an email from my cousin regarding my niece's one month birthday this sun, then later on Ben ask me to play for his team this sunday also. Ideally I should play for Ben's team, the match is at Tanglin which makes it closer for me to the lunch at Farrer park, besides the field condition is superb too but then Leung just informed me that including me this sunday there will be only eleven players so technically should I stun him and throw smoke now, there will not be enuff players and I will be a hypocrite. Though its at Jurong, somehow I am more inclined to play for them. Ever since I joined his family team, I have also felt part of his family too. Decision to ponder again.

When all hope seems lost, when all hope seems vague, I have to thank Hoegaarden beer for being there for me always as it is for me now. Damn it, just when I was about to have another sip, Doreen just stunned me wif another mind game sms.....Fuck!

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