Thursday, May 03, 2007

Just had a run and boy am I panting like a dog. The exams totally turned me into a weakling. For the past two months I have either stayed in hall or just travel back home. Today when I went to NTUC to purchase ice-cream, when my turn came to pay up, the cashier stared at me for quite awhile. I looked at the auntie and I was thinking in my head what did I do. It turned out that she was expecting me to pass her a plastic bag to put in my goods otherwise I would have to make a 'donation' before NTUC would use their plastic bags. That is how long I have been out of touch with reality. This is part of a plan to encourage Singaporeans to recycle plastic bags and reduce plastic bags wastage. I totally forgot about it even though I read about it in the newspapers. I readily support the move, shall have to bring my own cloth bag along from now on.

Earlier today Shujing mentioned that my face look very pale and white. I agree with her, no I am not sick, I have been hibernating in my room for the past two months and haven't been under the sunlight for more than 30mins straight. Gone are the days when I played soccer regularly and had to put sunblock lotion to avoid becoming chao ta. Now I have to bask in the sun to look like a normal person. While bathing today I looked into the mirror and examined my arms and skin, I look like a fucking white chicken. From tmr onwards, I shall embrace the lovely sunlight!

News just came in, Kangli caught my neighbour (the very wuss one) bringing a china girl into his room and then off the light. Guess he needed to relive stress. He looks like a nerd and doesn't look like those kind. I suppose what Kim Hock say is true, people who talk about sex openly are the normal ones. Those who look very innocent are the ones that are actually very hiong. But I now abit scared of my neighbour. While walking to put my stuff in Cheewee room today, I turned behind and caught him spying on me then he pretend not to see me and quicly walk away. Dun noe what he up to acting so weird, thank God I now move home. Kangli wish u gd luck, "lock" the door properly tonite.

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