Saturday, July 28, 2007

I had a good laugh reading Lee Sharpe's biography. Esp the parts where he describe the scenes when Ferguson would position his face an inch away from him and swear loads of expletives for the slightest stuff. He called it the grandfather of hair dryer treatment and I must admit, from his point of view, he was abit unlucky to be given that treatment. When he scored a goal and dance around for the celebration, he got a bollocking from Ferguson for being daft and cheeky. When he threw a party 3days before a match, Ferguson stormed into his house, ordered his mates out and swore at him for misleading Ryan Giggs when it was Giggs who initiated the idea. I also couldn't believe it when Ferguson fuck him for learning to play the drums, said that it was unbecoming behaviour. Even the car Sharpey drove earned this disapproval. It is no wonder the grumpy old fella dump Lee Sharpe off later and I seriously think it had nothing to do with his on field performance, rather due to his off field antics. Tough luck bloke.

I have the movie Goodfellas and the book the last don lined up in the next couple of days. The last time I was into this mafia shit was a few years back when I watch the Godfather. It did my head in and honestly made me in awe of the organisation and operation of the mafia.

This is a special shout out to Ben Chen. Oei dun forget u still own me 9bucks for the ticket.

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