Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tmr will be the official last week of holidays before the semester starts and looking back, I can honestly say I enjoyed my holidays to the fullest. Managed to catch alot of classic movies, did lots of reading which the education system in Spore would never ever teach.

I still haven't gotten my room, from the looks of it I prob won't. I believe it can be attributed to the professor in charge of accommodation or student affairs. He is the grandfather of all son of bitches. I still can't figure out what went into his peanut brain when he made those decisions. Last time I checked, NTU was and is a Singaporean university. Last time I checked my IC, it was pink and had the words Singaporean on it. And yet on my own home soil, it was decided that foreigners should get first priority for hostel rooms because they came from afar, they paid full tuition fees blah blah.....Well fair enuff, but did anyone point a fucking .22 magnum gun at their heads and threaten to throw them to the pigs if they didn't come to NTU? I wouldn't give a two cents fuck if George W Bush wanted to apply for a hostel room in NTU and didn't get it, he can jolly well sleep on my floor. My opinion is clear, yes foreigners deserve to have rooms but definitely not at the expenses of local lads like me who did fork out some contribution, it wasn't as if I didn't earn my keep and lay my ass on bed all day. I believe it echos out for many others who did their part and made hostel life fun for all.

I don't really know the Professor's name but I sure know how he looks. He looks like a chipmunk, his hair looks like a curly mop, in short he looks like a walking dickhead. I sat in one of his physics class before and he cracked a couple of jokes which he thought made him funny, but in all honesty I rather watch Barney the dinosaur crack a joke. He has got alot to answer for the mess he has created. I shall take a dig at him when school reopens. Shall write something unpleasant about him on the forum board and sign off with someones else name, yes I am evilllll... The fucking wanker him.

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