Monday, August 06, 2007

After school today, I went to Hougang mall to buy my dinner. As I was walking along the shop houses en route to the hawker centre, I saw an uncle standing at a shop signaling me with his hands to slow down and walk slower. In my mind, I was thinking who the fuck is this prick to tell me how fast I should walk, so instead I quicken my pace. Next thing I knew, I heard someone in front shout CUT! 再来一次. I then realise that I interrupted a filming process. The actress directly in front of me turned back to re-do the scene and she was none other than Ann Kok. I must have pissed her off because as she turned to walk back, she shook her head and gave me that 'must be you' look. Haha Opps! I apologised to her and quickly exited the scene. But thinking back, I only tried to overtake her, nothing much mah. They should have filmed my handsome face in.

Why is the Toto results still not out yet. Tsk.

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