Friday, August 17, 2007

I've finally officially gotten my room. Did a check, my left and right neighbours are Vietnamese and Indian scholars. Fuck. In any case I still got the campus security number in my hp. I also got a new roomate(again). Its none other than the all brawn and abit of brain James, haha. Well, at least there will be some banter in the room. Well, the first two weeks of school for me has sort of been a warm up. I shall up the gear next week and start to attempt the tutorials by myself.

I gotta agree with Mr Kang. NTU does really have some cocked up Professors. There is this dork from China who does not prepare the tutorial answers and instead ask the students to give it. Even worst, he borrows the student's question paper. I dun see why the school bothers to continue hiring him. It should be pretty obvious, of all five slots for tutorial classes, it can't be a coincidence that only his two slots have like 15 over vacancies while the other Professors do not have any slots remaining. I rather the school instead of wasting money on morons like him use it to hire some super models to stand in the class and let students admire them. The criteria for engineering lecturers always seem to be old china men who seem on the verge of getting a hear attack. Why can't they just hire a few young ladies, I'm sure attendance rate for lectures will improve and I bet everyone will be right awake.

The answer to all these problems is to stop the influx of china people coming over to Singapore. They stink up our country, have no manners, don't bathe, cook poisonous Char Siew paos, the list goes on.... Oei PM Lee, mai hum leh, wake up ur idea.

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