Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Taking the mrt to school everyday may be time consuming but it does have its own perks. One gets to meet all sorts of people from wankers to crankers who do daft things. Just today some bloke was singing happily to himself when it was pretty obvious his voice should be left for the bathroom. One thing for sure, when music is played through the loudspeaker, u can bet ur last penny it has to come from a taufik. Also, when a sexy lady steps into the cabin, u can be sure that every hot blooded male eyes will check her out. Teenagers or young adults will from time to time tactfully sneak a glance but ah peks definitely have no tactical sense. In short they blatantly stare, like wolves ready to pounce on their prey.

Speaking of staring, once in a while I get people who eyeball me for more than 5seconds. It makes me uncomfortable, well last I check, no I don't resemble the latest pin up gay model, no I did not touch ur girlfriend's ass. I guess some people don't understand that staring is very rude. Also, I hate it when people try to push pass ya to get into the cabins when even a donkey can tell it is full to the brim. Just a few weeks back, some old chap tried to take the mickey out of me by pushing me away. Well just as he was about to enter, the door 'kiap' him. I took a dig at him by giving that sarcastic laugh and mentioning a few words of friendly advice. The things most people do to rush to get a seat is amazing. Instead of letting passengers get out first, most old folks stand in the centre and barge forward once the door opens. Its like a rugby scrum. Surprisingly Singapore is not one of the rugby power nations, selectors should start finding potential players at the mrt.

Alright this post is pretty random because I am bored after doing my steel structure tutorial. I dun understand what I am calculating. Cheers to myself.

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