Sunday, August 12, 2007

This is slowly becoming routine, playing soccer on sun morning, sleeping in the afternoon and waking up with a bad headache. Now I know why my mom didn't like me playing soccer last time. Two games and two losses, I think we are gonna be the bottom team but surprisingly everyone seems to have raise their game. Overall the opponents are pretty good and quite fit. Even the ever so fit Hengkia showed signs of shackness. The malays were surprising quite friendly and fair. But somehow someone stepped on my big toe and I suspect the bone might have cracked. Maybe its time to downgrade.

Aunty Helen's birthday was yesterday and no I didn't went down to the buffet to celebrate. My mother went instead. She said the food was fabulous, ate until she vomit in the car. Haha. My father went down to help with the national day block party dinner cum karaoke singing session. Some of the aunties have terrible voices, yet they still carry on singing believing that they are Tsai Ching in disguise. My goodness, they are a national disgrace.

I stayed at home throughout both events watching the start of EPL. At half time I switched channels and watch abit of the American version of The Ring. I can't believe that they would want to make that movie. The concept is cheesy even though I admit I like the Japanese version last time. But u know, the idea of watching the video, phone call, monster climbing out of the well to kill u is quite corny. If such a thing were to happen to me, I know I will be in safe hands. I will let my father pick up the phone call. My father hates people calling the home phone and hanging up so I bet he will tell the monster to fuck off. And if the monster dare come to my house, it will get another fuck off warning from my pops, haha.

I haven't done my foundation engine tutorial, shit, gotta do it soon.

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