Tuesday, August 14, 2007

According to my pops who heard this from his karaoke singing kakis, some bloke committed suicide near my house multi story carpark last week. He apparently jumped down cos he had cancer. I realised that my housing estate is tainted with people committing suicide. Blagadeshi worker hanging himself from a tree opposite my house, maid jumping down to death opposite my flat. I remember having a nightmare after that episode. I was prob about eight years old and it was my second nightmare. The first one was about Gremlins trying to eat me. Back to the 2nd one, I dreamt that I saw the maid fall to her death, yet she somehow lay on the floor, head bleeding but still eyes wide open looking at me and giving me that hysterical laugh. I will be honest to say that the nightmare scared the piss shit out of me. Well its the start of the hungry ghost festival, I better not say too much.

Peace out.

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