Sunday, September 23, 2007

A few days ago, a few of my frenz were remarking at how slack the quiz in the module Are U ok? was. The lecturer had announced prior to the start of the quiz that the questions were in the same order and not jumbled up so as not to confused those who wanted to copy their neighbour's answers. I enjoyed his lectures when I was taking it a few sems back, he had that canny ability to make the lecture enjoyable and relaxing. Wished NTU could have more modules such as his.

I borrowed Omerta from the orchard lib yesterday. Its about the Mafia code of honour being broken and the consequences. The book which is written by Mario Puzo looks promising judging from the preface. Also, I got hold of the book Invisible Trade by Gerrie Lim. The latter is about the sex industry in Singapore as related by some escorts experience. I gotta say it was pretty hilarious. Lets just say I didn't know people holding top managerial positions had such weird fantasies.

Tonight is the big match between Man Utd and Chelsea. Two of my best mates from my JC days are coming over my house no doubt to root for our fav team. Which means I have to buy more beer later.

Finally the morning rain has alleviated the humid weather.

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