Friday, September 21, 2007

I managed to catch the repeat of the Real Madrid vs Werder Bremen match and for once I gotta say Madrid has finally impressed me with their style of play after like 3yrs. I would say its prob due to the influx of Dutch players playing their style of total football which they are reknown for. This champions league season should be an interesting one to watch. Watching the action has made my legs itchy for football again. I haven't played a field match for abt 2months partly due to rain and some reasons. But I will be lacing my boots again this sunday. However its not for the usual social sunday games where there is a referee, Instead I will be joining James and his so called HDB block neighbourhood team. They supposedly bought two standard goalpost at a few thousand bucks and split two teams to play each other weekly. Prob be playing against him. Pace wise I'll definitely lose to him so I guess I gotta play dirty, haha. The people there nicknamed him 'Turbo' for obvious reasons.

Had my investiture on wed. The commitee has a couple of wax, CG,GG. Only Kang will know what they stand for. HAha

The recess week is finally here. Once again, it will be a play catch up with tutorial week. Of crse I will be watching the movies that I've downloaded. I watched Saw 3 and Hostel for the last two days and I have to warn not to eat food while watching. Lets just say that hostel has more bloody and gory scenes than Saw 3.

I hope my newly made fren will dropped by here from the United States as promised. Whack!

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