Monday, September 03, 2007

Today I just made a new enemy. After what happened last week, I could see it coming. After arguing on the phone, its sad that it has to end this way just because of a project. I still believe that I have the right to protect my self interest and to question my decision time and time again was an insult to me. I hate it when people question my decision, its not showing me respect. Granted everyone has problems, I have my own problems to deal with. Just because you are experiencing shit doesn't mean I have to share the shit with you. The world is like that, take it or leave it. You got urself into a mess so why should I have to clean up the mess for you. Stop using me as an excuse to vent ur frustrations. I have my own list of frustrations people own me. Dun ever think for a second that I can be made used of again.

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