Saturday, October 13, 2007

This has been a costly week for me, losing money in texas poker. Sob sob. I am poor. It was so pathetic that I could only afford a mug of beer at Paulenars last night.

Next week will be a busy week because of the Intra CEE games. Have to be umpire for Captain's ball on monday. Geeze I dun really know the rules clearly but I suppose shd anyone want to argue with me I will send them off. Wed will be street soccer, Kangli is my team keeper, I know, not the best of choices but this is wat happens when one is short of players. Anyway I decided to name the team Sharky Sevens(SS). Thurs will be rugby training, I hope attendance will be good.

I think there is something wrong with one of my pics. Ever since I joined a network to communicate with a chinese american girl from seattle, I've been getting requests from malay girls to be their friends. I dun see how my pic makes me look like a malay fella and I dun have any intentions to convert so Rajiv, if u are interested, give me a buzz.

In 15 more hrs, we will see if England can pull off the most gayish win in rugby world cup.

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