Friday, November 02, 2007

I had a patchy sleep last night thanks to a nightmare I had. I dreamt that a little girl(ghost) was constantly waving to me and each time I asked a passerby if they could see her, everyone shook their head in disbelief. It was like a scene out from Ghost Whisperer. The little girl then threaten me that if I didn't help hunt down her murderer she would kill me. According to her, her step dad killed her. Thankfully my alarm clock saved me. Anything more than that I could have pissed in my sleep.

I would give myself a B+ for my efforts in revision this week. I've really studied hard but some of the stuff still look like Hebrew to me waiting to be deciphered. I have a quiz coming up in two hrs and hopefully I can aced it.

Luckily I have been watching the American version of the office to keep my sanity in check for the past couple of days. It always help to have a bit of a laugh now and then. Cheers to all mugging hard for their exams!

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