Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Just felt a pressing need to complain today. As my parents left home early to go shopping, I had to settle my own lunch. Being sick of the food in Lorong Lew Lian, I decided to walk nearby to the prata shop. I bought a packet of rice with butter chicken and squid. The damage was $5.50. The reason given was that there was alot of rice and the chicken veri big. To me the price was not justified, its not as if I ordered abalone rice. But nevermind, if the Indians want to play likdat, I also can play. As far as I am concerned, my 2008 new year resolution is to never ever buy food from there again. Take that suckers!

Nevertheless, I still reckon 2008 will be a good year. There is the African Nations Cup, Euro 2008 championships and Beijing Olympics to look forward to. Also, I am eagerly anticipating the new Batman movie. I've seen the trailers and it seems pretty good. Hopefully there will be good movies this year because to me last year was a flop. But more importantly, this is the year of the Rat. Rat power!

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