Monday, March 24, 2008

I am so glad I cleared today off. The weather was perfect for sleeping. I haven't had a nice afternoon nap ever since starting work. I went to swim in the morning. Along the way I met two of my frenz who were on IA, one was on leave while the other was having his lunch break. Somehow, I seem to be getting closer to people who are doing IA, perhaps we all understand each other's situation better.

The long weekend kept me real busy. Went shopping on fri, bought some clothes to satisfy my appetite for spending money. Was supposed to meet M1 and Van on sat, but thanks to their indecisiveness and childishness, I have decided that enough is enough. It is over before we have even begun. On Sunday, I went to chill out with M2. Our personalities are quite similar and I had no problem clicking with her. But now that the situation is starting to get more serious, I know I have to give her an answer soon. Everyday her messages are getting more suggestive and pressurizing. But as things stand, I am still undecided.

Putting everything aside, I am thrilled that Manchester United smashed Liverboo 3-0 to the ground yesterday. Who wants to walk with Liverboo now?

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