Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I was having supper with my secondary frenz about an hour ago at a prata shop near my house. Halfway through, a malay fella, obviously drunk from the way he walked and slurring speech, started shouting abuse at both an Indian and chinese fella. He then took out a beer bottle, smashed it and started chasing them. He then came back, obviously having lost the race, started shouting at them from afar again. The usual 'bo lan jiao la u all, got balls come one on one with me la' lines came out. My fren decided to call the police to my disappointment, rather anti-climax as I was hoping for a full blown fight to occur. But credit to the police, they came within less than two mins, ran out of their car and nailed the bugger to the ground. A few mins later, more reinforcement came. In total, 3 police cars, one van and one SUV were activated, in my opinion abit too kua zhang la. But at least i feel safe knowing that the police will come to my rescue fast should I need them. I captured the scenes on my camera phone, abit blur but nonetheless I will upload it on youtube and paste the link here.

Finally my house is beginning to see more action.

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