Monday, May 05, 2008

Utterly disgusted

This will be a freaking long post about Mindef. For those not interested pls skip. But for those who have a Singaporean brother, BF or even a son, do read on.

A few weeks earlier, I had applied for deferment for my upcoming ict in july. This is to enable me to complete two projects which I am involved in, both slated to finish by end july. My supervisor had written in for me and I had also explained to Mindef my rationale for extending the IA. This is a golden opportunity to perform well for the projects and give my superiors a better impression and enhance my chances of rejoining back. In fact, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, a chance given only while doing IA. Sadly, the Commanding Officer has rejected my deferment. He did not even bother to call me or my supervisor even though I clearly provided telephone numbers to call for clarification. This is clearly a lack of respect for me.

I reminisced my two years of national service, doing COS duty on Christmas eve and National Day, going ranges on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year. Those were days where I could have spent quality time with my family. Those were days gone which can never ever be bought back with money. Protect the country they say. Protect your loved ones and even the foreigners. End of the day, what to we get in return? A verbal thank you? Nonetheless, I took it like a man. Some of my frenz have laughed at me for being so gung-ho during NS and questioned me why I do not downgrade even after serving finished NS. Even now during university, local males are not allowed to take intersem modules or extend IA for ICT obligations. This is seriously putting us at a disadvantage. Foreigners are clearly benefiting from lack of 'competition'. I have clearly lost my pride and regret serving national service. In my opinion, The CO only cares about the recon status of our high key performance. I bet he doesn't give a two cents shit about our careers. After all, if we get a good recon status, he will look good and enhance his chances of promotion. What to we get in return? Another verbal thank you?

Well then, Mindef have made their decision. I will appeal to my MP. He better do something or else I will personally plead with Low Thia Kiang to run for the next elections in my district. I'll even campaign for him if need be. If all else fails, I will visit the infamous Doctor Koh at Serangoon Ave 3. I swear I will fight LTC Goh Yeow Kiang to the death. I curse his whole family get knock down by lorry. I curse his wife and daughter get raped. I curse his mother choke to death. I curse his father get prostrate cancer. I curse his whole freaking family line to fucking burn in hell.

Nb, I have never been so emotionally charged while writing my blog. The son of a bitch has really pushed me to the limits.

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