Thursday, June 05, 2008

Well tmr is supposedly the last day of industrial attachment for everyone. Well not for me as I've extended it till the end of July. I've been enjoying myself so far especially since I handed up my final report two weeks ago. I am given lots of freedom and trust in my department. Once in a while people occasionally give me work to help out. I am currently on a "if I want work I'll go find people and ask, otherwise I'll just drink my coffee and munch my cookies" mode. I wasn't expecting this when I first started out my attachment. My boss and colleagues have really been nice to me, my wing is pretty hilarious and always having a laugh. The joy has no doubt rubbed onto me too. Yea so that kinda of explains why I wanted to extend my stay.

I was compiling some work document today in the late afternoon. I decided to take a break and made some coffee. To my horror, when I returned to my desk I discovered that the power had tripped and all my work was lost since I did not saved it. Anyway I decided to have some fun taking photos posing with my aviator shades.

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