Sunday, September 07, 2008

I should be studying my advanced steel structures notes now but I can't concentrate. It is pretty noisy downstairs my house now because there is a lantern festival celebration going on and the uncles n aunties are belting out lao hokkien songs pretty loudly. No joke, I can't even hear my radio and tv.

I didn't had a good sleep last night. In the wee hours of the morning, some drunk Indians were screaming and shouting downstairs at the park. The police came over and arrested one of them who then screamed POLICE, POLICE. He was probably gone in the head. By 7am, the tai chi aunties came for their practice and at the end of their session, they were shouting some cheer. My sleep was thus so miserable.

Yup, so I went for the match against the Singapore Veterans team weary headed with roughly 3 hours of sleep. We lost 5-3 due to our bad defending and lack of finishing up front. I wasn't bothered by the score, I was more impressed to see how the veterans played their football with such calm and composure, never losing the ball even under pressure. Something for me to learn not to rush playing the ball when in possession. I am quite surprised to see them match us up in terms of fitness too, considering that most of them are probably in their mid-forties reaching fifty. Hats off to them.

Ok, as they say, if you can't beat them, then join them. I might as well go down and join in the fun since I can't do my revision with the noise. I can hear my father's voice constantly be it singing or acting as the emcee.

Thats all for now.

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