Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I finally see some sunlight

Since Sunday, I haven't really got much sleep. Having a paper consecutively for the past three days caused me a headache especially when there is so much memorizing for CE management. Glad the worst is over too. My eyes were hurting so much from lack of sleep that after the paper today, I just collapsed on my bed when I reached home. But even falling into a coma, I still managed to squeeze in a dream, not a good one though. I dreamt that my FYP Prof was fucking me, not proper fucking in that sense but screwing me for some problems with the project. Which reminds me that after my last paper next thurs, my december hols are gonna be immersed with my FYP project. Life just gets more boring.

The current HK drama Forensic heroes on channel U 10pm is very interesting. I have to admit I still managed to watch the drama everyday despite the stress. Can't be studying the whole time anyway. Oh ya cashmere mafia looks good too, abit like desperate housewives.

Well I am a TV junkie afterall.

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