Saturday, January 24, 2009

The last time I felt this shagged has got to be when I climbed Mount Biang. Barely twenty mins into the half I was already heavily panting and feeling jelly in my legs. The good thing about playing in a stadium is that the pitch grass is superb, there is a shower room to bathe. The downside is that the pitch is larger which means more running to do. But with a larger width, it allowed us to pass the ball around and kept possession esp when we took the lead. For once, I felt like a premier league star on tv stroking the ball across the pitch to my mates.

The Great wall of china did not play today due to an injury so he took up the coaching role. The warm up was a killer, even after running and stretching, he still ordered us to run. Throughout the game, he was screaming at everyone, captain included. But after today, I more or less get a better understanding of positioning on and off the ball. He taught us how to defend set pieces against bigger size players by sticking close and pulling their shirts. He also taught the strikers how to get past their markers. He made it a point to demonstrate how easy it was and stressed that we just need to have more confidence given our abilities. I hope he gets a job here so he can stay and play or train us because he has been our secret weapon so far. Our last two wins came because he practically controlled everybody like a chess game, dictating when to slow down the game and draw the opposition out, when to pass and cheong. Moreover, I think his instructions in mandarin did not allow the ang mo langs to understand our game tactics. So far, I think the only english word I heard from his mouth is 'good! good!'

My legs are still aching.

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