Monday, February 02, 2009

So as usual, I enjoyed CNY, collecting ang pows, eating reunion dinner, relative and frenz visiting, gambling and esp bak kwa. Knowing that the coming year will be a tough one, I was determined to enjoy myself to the max, so I put aside all worries and had fun.

It is still hard for me to accept that I will turn 25 this year. I foresee myself experiencing a quarter life crisis. Events in the recent weeks have led me to reflect even harder. I am digging holes which I myself don't even know will lead to where. There are days when I wake up and look myself in the mirror and wonder if it is the same person I see every other day. Whenever I walk out the door, I put on a front to face people. But once returned home, I guess its back to the rabbit hole.

Its getting harder everyday.

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